Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Senior Representative Program

Attention all 2013 Seniors!!

This is your opportunity to earn gorgeous photos and products by telling your family, friends and neighbors about J&G Photography. There is a $50 fee but that will pay for everything!! Sessions must take place in the months of March or April 2012! 

There is a brief form that needs to be filled out and there will be representatives selected based on high school. (I don't want too many reps in one school, so this will prevent that!) Please fill out this form by February 24th. 

When you are selected to join the Senior Representative Program, you automatically receive:
  • An hour and a half session, up to 2 locations (and unlimited dress changes)
  • CD of all the pictures taken - with the ability to post pictures on Facebook, giving J&G Photography credit for them
  • Photo flip book with 20 of your favorite pictures taken
  • Custom Senior Rep Cards that include your favorite photo that you can hand out to friends and potential clients 
  • 3 8x10s, 2 5x7s, 40 wallets (they can include your name and graduation year)
  • 25% off any other prints purchases
  • A featured post on J&G Photography's blog and Facebook page
For EVERY client that you refer that has a session with J&G Photography and mentions your name, you will receive $10 gift card of your choice from Walmart, Kroger, or BP (they must schedule and have their session before October 1, 2012). (for example: if you refer 10 people, you can get $100 gift card!!)

I'm only looking to select no more than 5 people to be a part of this program.  Representatives will be selected and notified by March 1st!

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to serving you in the future!

Jennifer Williams
Lead Photographer - J&G Photography